National Beer Day: not just a made up day to sell more beer

We live in a country where there are national days for just about everything. Here are just a few examples for you to show how ridiculous this trend has become:
January 11th is National Step in a Puddle and Splash your Friend Day, and February 8th is National Kite Flying Day. Neither of these originated or can be celebrated in the Midwest. However, August 8th is National Sneak some Zucchini onto your Neighbor’s Porch Day, which definitely originated in the Midwest.
January 25th is National Opposite Day (or is it????).
March 4th is National Grammar Day (one of my personal favorites) and May 31st is National Speak in Sentences Day, as opposed to those times when you
May 14th is National Dance Like a Chicken Day (which I’m sure was created by a wedding DJ).
June 3rd is National Repeat Day, and June 3rd is National Repeat Day.
July 2nd is National Anisette Day, July 10th is National Clarihew Day, but unfortunately you have to wait until October 16th so you can look those words up on National Dictionary Day.
This was only a smattering of the funny days I could choose from—each day had more than one “National Day” of some kind. So why should we care about or celebrate “National Beer Day”? Time for a High Brau Frau history lesson:
Years ago, in the 1920s and 30s, our great country went through a terrible time of sadness and melancholy. I’m speaking, of course, of the Prohibition Era. The 18th Amendment was passed as a result of a widespread temperance movement, banning the production and sale of alcoholic beverages (see National Sad Day on May 22nd).

This, of course, was a foolish idea, which ultimately led to the proliferation of speakeasies and bootleggers, and with the rise of gangster violence, the Prohibition movement had waning support towards the end of the 1920s.
On April 7th, 1933, the Cullen-Harrison Act was signed by President Roosevelt, marking the beginning of the end of the Prohibition Era. Upon signing the legislation, Roosevelt made his famous remark, “I think this would be a good time for a beer.” Mr. Roosevelt, I agree. Happy National Beer Day, everyone! I know a great place to celebrate.